In an exclusive interview with radio/television host and author, Rebecca Costa, political advisor to three United States presidents, Pat Buchanan, refuted accusations that he advocates social Darwinism and racism in his latest book Suicide of a Superpower: Will America Survive to 2025?
According to Buchanan these indictments come from individuals who have misread the book, Even identical twins are not born equal. What we want is equality of rights and opportunity - similar to the Olympics where everyone can try-out but we choose the people who represent the United States based solely on their proven ability to excel. Thats the way societies move forward. . .
He continued, I was in the most egalitarian society of the 20th Century when I stepped off the plane with Richard Nixon in the Peoples Republic of China - where everyone was equal, but no one was free. When you have absolute freedom, it automatically produces inequality because we are unequal in our talents and abilities and drives and courage and perseverance. . . No system is perfect, but the free enterprise system has done more to uplift humankind. Im not just talking about the robber barons of the 19th century but the average working man had horrendous working conditions. But these improved over 10, 20, 30 and 40 years, until Americans the same people who were once swept out of Europe had the highest living standards the world had ever seen. Freedom is what did that.
When asked how Buchanan reconciles every person according to their talents with religious responsibilities to care for those with lesser talents, Buchanan explained that society is obligated to provide a floor of decency under every family, but no roof over any mans head.
Buchanans latest book posits that America is coming apart because the government is committed to multiculturalism, and equal outcomes in spite of unequal effort and talents. He contrasts immigrants who arrived in the United States between 1890 and 1920 from Italy, Poland, Ireland and other countries immigrants who attended public schools and learned the same history, participated in the same holidays, and were joined by the same literature and language, making them part of the great melting pot - against modern immigrants who retain their allegiance to their native countries and have no desire to assimilate. In Buchanans view, the same multiculturalism which has failed in Europe currently threatens the survival of the United States.
The full interview with Pat Buchanan is available at
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