Friday, 25 November 2011 - Groundbreaking Website Launches in The Gambia

Kotu, The Gambia (PRWEB) July 04, 2011 is The Gambias answer to,,, and all in one place. The concept behind is to create one central online location for all things Gambian. It offers a business directory that will feature each and every business located in the Gambia, making it easier for Gambians and tourists to find products and services they need. Each business listing is complete with photographs, directions, contact information and much more. In an effort to connect Gambian employers with job seekers, offers an employment classified page called JOB CENTER, wherein businesses can list job vacancies and browse CVs of potential employees. Job seekers can also search job vacancies and upload their CVs for employers to review. There is also a social networking component, called JOKOR, which means connect, in the most widely spoken native language of Wolof. JOKOR is directed toward Gambians within the country and those in the Diaspora who wish to connect in their own way online. In addition, businesses can use the JOKOR to communicate with the public, share files with their staff members in and outside the office. Just for fun, there is also a page on called PAPARAZZI, which displays photographs taken at all the major events that occur in The Gambia. Partygoers and event attendees can simply visit the site to see photos of themselves and their friends.

In addition to providing all of these useful and fun features, is leading the effort to place The Gambia on an equal technological platform as larger countries. It is worth mentioning that the website is well built and easy to navigate. was designed and built in The Gambia, by New Centurys own web developers. The Directors of New Century, who are all born and raised in The Gambia, were educated in the U.S. and the U.K. However, they each chose to return to The Gambia to use their knowledge and expertise to introduce innovative technological ideas in their home country. The President of New Century, Mr. Ahmed Tijan Jallow, had this to say about the concept behind the development of, In order for a country to progress socially and economically in this era of information technology, they need to embrace new innovative ideas, such as Nowadays, internet marketing is the best marketing tool that businesses have at their disposal because they can maximize their exposure for a fraction of the cost of traditional marketing strategies. By integrating other useful and entertaining features, such as job classifieds and social networking with the marketing tool weve created the perfect platform for Gambian businesses to be seen. As you can see, were very excited about and hope that it will become a useful part of daily life in the Gambia.

The creation of marks a monumental achievement for The Gambia, proving that the small country is ready to compete on an equal technological platform as its larger counterparts.

To experience all that the website has to offer, visit today.


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